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Re: Compiling CERN httpd with static libs on Sol 2.4

Apparently Dorian Deane wrote:
% While I'm at it, does anyone have a wrapper to open up port 80
% (on a Unix machine) and then allow the use of setuid(nobody) on
% the daemon?  We've been living through the overhead of inetd
% to "solve" this problem.  The problem being that we don't want
% to trust the httpd code to do the setuid--we want to do it ourselves.
% I imagine it would be fairly simple to steal the relevant part of
% the inetd code, but if something is already out there...


Question from me: what is involved in setting up virtual web and are
there any security considerations?

G.J.W. Hagenaars, M.Sc. Math ----> Remembering Mike Carty 1968-1994
xx247@freenet.carleton.ca -------> Postmaster National Capital FreeNet
gj@canarie.ca -------------------> Software Installer CANARIE Inc.
gj@jdsfitel.com -----------------> UNIX System Administrator JDS FITEL Inc.

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